Monday, September 3, 2012

Since the time Hope was five years old she has dreamt of living in Africa. She has spent the past two years preparing for a semester of study and mission work in Zambia. On August 20, 2012 Hope began her adventure with a group of college students from Harding University as part of a program called Harding In Zambia (HIZ). She will serve the Zambian people until November 26, 2012 when she will return to the States.

Hope is currently living in Namwianga, Zambia. Here they have the George S. Benson Teachers College as well as an elementary and high school, medical clinic, orphanage, and a haven for infants and toddlers who have lost their mothers to AIDS. She is daily involved witht he efforts at the compound as well as academically preparing for a life of service. She is taking college classes in Tonga; the culture through literature, art and music, missionary principles/practices; and field work. On weekends she will be living with the Zambians in their villages and helping with medical clinics.

This blog is a means of communicating to family and friends what Hope and we, as her family, are experiencing during this pivitol time in our family's life. As you all know, we are a very tight knit family, deeply in love with Jesus and each of us commited to living the life He asks of us. What one of us experiences effects us all. So this is a family story. We ask for your prayers that God will make each of us into everything He ever dreamt we would be.

KC, Nora, Hannah
    and for Hope

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